RM 1.50

  • SGR: $ 0.50

Herbal Bath is a traditional formula specifically designed for the modern day mum.  It is easy to use. This herbal bath expels “wind and dampness” pain and post-natal discomfort. The combination of herbs in this formula exerts a superb “wind” expelling effect and improves blood circulation, reliefs joint pain and numbness.

Fill pot with water, heat to almost boiling and remove from the heat. Use once a day.



Menyegarkan badan ibu berpantang, mengelak dan membuang angin dalam badan, mengatasi bau badan, menwangikam badan sepanjang hari.

CARA GUNA – ambil  segenggam daun herba kemudian rebus kemudian tapis air rebusan dan tambah sedikit air

Bahan-bahan : daun gelenggang, daun pandan, daun serai wangi, daun sirih, daun, daun limau purut, daun jambu batu dan daun mengkudu kering

Additional information

Weight 90 g


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